Help us Teach 100 Kids to Fish  image

Help us Teach 100 Kids to Fish

from casting to cooking, we're on a mission to get the next generation of anglers ready for the water

$10,086 raised

$10,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

We're on a mission to get more kids fishing

On Tuesday, November 29, we will be celebrating #GivingTuesday, an annual celebration of giving to folks doing good work across the world. This year, Coosa Riverkeeper is raising $10,000 to host Free Fishing Clinics across the Coosa River watershed for hundreds of families so we can ensure future generations know and love to fish.

Many folks have memories of learning how to fish from a family member or a camp. These days kids and families might not know where to start when it comes to learning how to cast, catch, and cook fish from the river. During our clinics, we will work with kids in an experiential learning style with casting lessons, discussion on responsible recreation on the river, and explain how to reduce exposure to potentially harmful contaminants through live cooking demonstrations.


  • Inspire and educate 100 kids (16 and under) about fish identification, casting technique, lures, and how to safely eat fish from the Coosa River and its lake.
  • Each child will learn fish identification, river conservation strategies, and discover a new life skill that can literally put dinner on the table... if you heed the fish consumption advisories!


  • DIY cane pole rod, line, and hooks
  • Kids' size tacklebox with worms and lures
  • Coosa River Game Fish Guide with fish consumption advisory information
  • Coosa River Conservation Coloring Book


  • DONATE: We cannot provide these clinics without your support. To sponsor one child's clinic (including food and fishing gear) please consider making a $100 donation today.
  • VOLUNTEER: Are you a retired teacher, avid angler, or river rat? Email us at!
  • SPONSOR: Does your business have an interest in sponsoring a clinic? Let us know by emailing info@

Fishing is not just a sport or hobby - it's a way of life for folks in the Coosa River basin, but it can be a costly and intimidating to start fishing when you are a kid. We think there's nothing more satisfying than being able to feed yourself (and your family). One of our main goals is to ensure families understands how to protect the river, and current and future generations, who rely on it for recreation, supper, and fun!